Risk Assessment

Have you thought about the legal and other risks in your business and how to reduce them?

If you would like to know more, please answer and submit these questions to us.

You have missed some questions, they are highlighted in red below.
1. Business Structure
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
2. Directors Duties
a.Yes   No
3. Essential Documentation / Contracts
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
4. Employees / Contractors
 Yes   No
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
c.Yes   No
d.Yes   No
5. Business Succession Planning
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
6. Intellectual Property
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
7. Insurance
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
8. Occupational Health & Safety (OH & S)
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
9. Occupancy / Leasing Issues
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
10. General Risk Management
a.Yes   No
b.Yes   No
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